Chiropractic for Youth

Chiropractic is not just for adults – it’s for teens too. In fact, teenagers can benefit from chiropractic treatment in many ways not only now, but also later in life. Few teens will complain of back or neck pain the way that adults might. However, the damage that causes musculoskeletal pain in adults is often incurred during one’s youth. By undergoing regular chiropractic adjustments for youth, teens can prevent pain and injury both now and in the future.

Did you know…

that poor posture habits often begin during the teen years? Parents may remind teens to sit up straight or stop slouching – often to no avail. Periodic teen chiropractic adjustments can help promote good posture in youth-aged patients. In some cases, chiropractic treatment may even be able to reverse spine damage caused by poor posture and misalignment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my teen should see a chiropractor?

Though some teens may report having neck or back pain – perhaps due to obesity or poor posture – most will not complain of musculoskeletal discomfort. We recommend that all teenagers begin undergoing chiropractic treatment, not only because it can correct postural problems, but also because teens are frequently exposed to musculoskeletal health hazards like heavy backpacks and complex sports;

My teenager has never been to a chiropractor before. What should we expect?

It is never too late to visit a chiropractor for the first time. We go to great lengths to ensure your child is well cared for during each visit, which usually consists of an adjustment and some lifestyle education that will help prevent future injuries. Our staff will first talk to your teen about symptoms and lifestyle habits before administering a gentle adjustment.

Can my teen wait to visit a chiropractor later in life?

There is no better time than now to start schedule regular chiropractic appointments for your teenager. Early youth chiropractic adjustments can help teens develop lifelong habits that promote health and wellness, not to mention help prevent athletic injuries now. For more information about chiropractic for youth, contact our office to schedule a consultation.

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Picture of About Dr. John Pienkos
About Dr. John Pienkos

Donec adipiscing tristique risus nec feugiat. At imperdiet nisi accumsan. Vivamus at augue eget arcu dictum

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