Chiropractic for Seniors

Many senior citizens already know the benefits of chiropractic care and how it can improve the ‘golden years’. Those who visit a chiropractor on a regular basis often report experiencing more energy, greater flexibility and less pain in day-to-day life. In fact, chiropractic is about much more than pain relief – it’s about improving the quality of life. With Americans living longer than ever before, there is no need to retire to the rocking chair during retirement. Instead, let chiropractic care keep you active, healthy and feeling living life to the fullest.

Facts about seniors and chiropractic:

  • One in five adults will be age 65 or older by the year 2030.
  • Among seniors, chiropractic is one of the most commonly used alternative therapies.
  • While many seniors get adjustments to treat back pain or other symptoms, chiropractic is also effective for preventing or managing diseases and other health problems common to mature adults.
  • A study published in “Topics of Clinical Chiropractic” found that 66 percent of seniors who do not get chiropractic treatment have arthritis in comparison to 48 percent of those who do visit a chiropractor regularly.
  • The same study found that seniors who do not get chiropractic treatment are far more likely to be placed in a nursing home than those who do visit a chiropractor regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of conditions is senior chiropractic care helpful for?

Seniors who regularly undergo chiropractic treatment may enjoy many different types of benefits. Examples include:

  • Pain Relief
  • Greater Range of Motion
  • Improved Balance
  • Better Coordination
  • Fewer Falls

What should I expect during a senior chiropractic appointment?

Seniors have age-specific health needs that we are sensitive to here at our practice. Our focus is both intervention and prevention, with an emphasis on improving spinal alignment and minimizing stress on the bones and joints. Your appointment will begin with a discussion about your symptoms which may be followed by a chiropractic adjustment, lifestyle counseling or another type of alternative therapy. Our treatments are natural, non-invasive and designed to produce optimal results and long lasting benefits.

Is chiropractic safe for older adults?

Chiropractic has been found safe for use in most people, including senior citizens. In fact, chiropractors have been helping older adults regain control of their lives for many years, with many success stories to support its effectiveness. For more information about chiropractic for seniors and how it may benefit you, please contact our office to schedule your consultation.

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About Dr. John Pienkos
About Dr. John Pienkos

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