Chiropractic for Middle Age

As adults approach middle age, many notice an increase in health complications that were not a problem earlier in life. Perhaps it is an achy lower back, a sudden injury or even the development of a chronic health condition like migraines or degenerative joint disease. Whatever the problem, many people in their 40s and 50s may equate the increase in health issues with the ‘normal aging process’. At our office, we encourage middle-aged patients to take charge of their health by incorporating chiropractic treatment into a wellness plan. Often, the problems that ail middle-aged adults can be quickly resolved with lifestyle changes and chiropractic adjustments – no medications required.

Did you know…

Did you know that chiropractic treatments for middle aged people can help fight disease and degenerative health problems? When used as a preventative tool, chiropractic adjustments can correct nerve interferences, minimize stress and improve the overall quality of life. In fact, many people who begin undergoing chiropractic treatment during middle age feel so good, they wonder why they did not start visiting a chiropractor sooner.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of conditions can a chiropractor help treat?

Results vary from patient to patient, but many people experience significant improvements in a wide range of acute and chronic health conditions. Examples include:

  • Migraines
  • Tension Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Joint Pain and Arthritis
  • Repetitive Stress Injuries
  • Sciatica

What should I expect during a chiropractic appointment?

Depending on your symptoms, age and health history, we will evaluate your current health and determine the most effective course of treatment for improving it. Our goal is to eliminate pain and empower the body to recover from injuries and fight off disease. Treatment may include a combination of chiropractic adjustments, as well as lifestyle modifications that affect diet, daily activity and sleep habits.

I am middle-aged, but not experiencing any health problems. Do I still need chiropractic treatment?

It is never too early to take preventative action toward your future health. A chiropractor can help you feel better than ever and even identify potential health problems before they start. Our practice is founded in natural, non-invasive treatment and prevention. We utilize chiropractic adjustments, as well lifestyle counseling to maximize the health of our patients in ways they may have never known possible. For more information about chiropractic for middle-aged people, contact our office to schedule a consultation.

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About Dr. John Pienkos
About Dr. John Pienkos

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